Welcome to my first installment of profound marital advice!
One thing I have mastered is the act of wooing with my feminine wiles. It involves a delicate balance of beauty and grace. Additionally, John matches me in the ability to woo, with his stoic masculinity. We are just a pair of wooers. Just such wooey individuals (hah! used it as a verb, noun, and adjective. BAM.)
Instead of just bragging on us, I am going to share a text message exchange that was comprised mostly of pictures that illustrates our abilities because, as we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. This way, everyone can see firsthand the importance of wooing in a marriage
The context of this conversation was that my husband was going out of town camping with some friends.
::various, unimportant back and forth about what he was up to::
Me: Have fun
John: Nice face
Me: I try
John: With that face no need to try :)
Me: Hah
Me: I win
Me: hm. better.
After that one John ended the conversation, obviously because he was overwhelmed with how attractive his wife is. Can't blame the poor guy. It's a lot to take in.
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